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    If you are exploring sailing, the First Sail experience is a fun way to start. If you never sailed before or you want to refresh your skills, our Learn to Sail (LTS) classes and Junior Camps will fulfill your goals.

    Our Sailing Education Program offers: Adult Private LTS, Adult Group LTS, Junior Camps, Learn to Race and First Sail.

    For the more advanced sailors interested in Regattas, we offer Learn to Race classes which include participation in a club race with an instructor or experienced LTYC member!

    Registration fee includes Start Sailing Right!, the official learn to sail book of US SAILING, and use of the city's Pico, Aqua Finn, Sunfish, and Capri 14 boats as well as LTYC Club boats.

    Click here for more information.

    Free T-Shirt also included for each student. Specify size of shirt on the class registration form.

    Lake Townsend and Marina are located north of Greensboro off of Hwy 29.
    Map/directions to Lake Townsend

    Contact education@laketownsendyachtclub.com if you need more information or have any questions about the classes or other learning options.

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Welcome to LTYC Sailing Education Program
Rear Commodore
Ron Washburn

Once you've registered for your class, take advantage of our membership rebate… Become a LTYC member to enjoy the camaraderie of other sailors and have access to our fleet of Club boats including a Flying Scot, Wayfarer, and Lightnings! Members also have access to all the Club Regattas year round!


How to register:

  1. Go to the Online REGISTRATION FORM.
  2. Complete the form.
  3. Pay online by credit card, PayPal, or follow form instructions to pay by check.

If the class you are interested in is full, send an email with your name, class date, and comments to education@laketownsendyachtclub.com and we will put you on a waiting list.

payment cards

Class Schedules for 2025

First Sail Sessions - $75

10 separate First Sail opportunities are offered to let first-time sailors get their first taste of sailing.

Rather than a course, this is an “experience”. Maybe you’ve never been on a sail boat and just want to see if sailing is something you would really be interested in – or might be capable of. Find out for yourself by signing up for an afternoon on the water, with an experienced skipper who will teach enough to help you decide, and let you actually sail the boat knowing that there is experienced crew there to help you through it.

First Sail Schedules
Each Class single day
TBD Lake Townsend Marina 3 hours

Junior Sail Camp - $200

Junior Sail Camps are offered in June and July.

This is a fun and safe way to introduce your junior sailor to the joy and excitement of sailing a small boat on a great lake. Returning students will increase their sailing skills.

**NOTE: Junior Sail Camp is limited to 10-15 year old students only, and participants MUST be be able to swim!

Junior Sail Camp Schedules
Class 1 6 consecutive days
Class Filled

Class 2 6 consecutive days
July 20(Sun) Lake Townsend Marina 6-8pm
July 21(Mon) Lake Townsend Marina 9:30am - 12:00pm
July 22(Tue) Lake Townsend Marina 9:30am - 12:30pm
July 23(Wed) Classroom Session at Picnic Shelter 9:30am - 12:30pm
July 24(Thu) Lake Townsend Marina 9:30am - 12:30pm
July 25(Fri) Lake Townsend Marina 9:30am - 12:30pm

Beginner Adult Classes - $200

Beginner Adult (age 16 or older) classes are for someone with very limited or NO sailing experience. You took the “First Sail” experience and want to learn more… you've been on sailboat outings as a “passenger”. You sailed many years ago and want a refresher. From knot tying to boat rigging to steering, learn the skills of sailing. Determine wind direction and sail position, then head out on the water to practice sailing on an Aqua Finn, Sunfish, Laser Pico and Capri 14.2.

We provide these courses in a number of different formats so that you can continue pursuing the less important things in life. You know... things like work or golf 😉

Beginner Adult Class Schedules
Class 1 '3 day' weekend
Class Filled
Class 2 '3 day' weekend
May 16(Fri) Lake Townsend Marina 5-7:30pm
May 17(Sat) Lake Townsend Marina 9:30am - 4pm
May 18(Sun) Lake Townsend Marina 9:30am - 4pm
Class 3 '3 day' weekend
May 23(Fri) Lake Townsend Marina 5-7:30pm
May 24(Sat) Lake Townsend Marina 9:30am - 4pm
May 25(Sun) Lake Townsend Marina 9:30am - 4pm
Class 4 '3 day' weekend
July 18(Fri) Lake Townsend Marina 5-7:30pm
July 19(Sat) Lake Townsend Marina 9:30am - 4pm
July 20(Sun) Lake Townsend Marina 9:30am - 4pm
Class 5 '3 day' weekend
Aug 22(Fri) Lake Townsend Marina 5-7:30pm
Aug 23(Sat) Lake Townsend Marina 9:30am - 4pm
Aug 24(Sun) Lake Townsend Marina 9:30am - 4pm
Class 6 '3 day' weekend
Sep 19(Fri) Lake Townsend Marina 5-7:30pm
Sep 20(Sat) Lake Townsend Marina 9:30am - 4pm
Sep 21(Sun) Lake Townsend Marina 9:30am - 4pm

Intermediate Adult Class - $200

The Intermediate Adult class is for someone (age 16 or older) who knows the basics, what makes the boat go forward, how to tack, etc. Maybe they have sailed a little in years past but they want to be more comfortable in their knowledge and skills.

Intermediate classes are taught on sloops - sailboats with Main and Jib sails. This class requires basic sailing skills and will teach the sailor advanced skills. This is a great follow-up to the Beginner class. Boats used in this class include Wayfarer, Flying Scot, and Tanzer 16.

Intermediate Adult Class Schedules
Class 1 '3 day' weekend
Aug 1(Fri) Lake Townsend Marina 5-7:30pm
Aug 2(Sat) Lake Townsend Marina 9:30am - 4pm
Aug 3(Sun) Lake Townsend Marina 9:30am - 4pm

Private Classes - $235

Three Private classes are offered with different schedules to give you some flexibility to choose which is best for you.

These are One-on-One training sessions that will give you a more concentrated experience than the group classes. You do miss out on any type of group discussion where another student might ask a question that you hadn't thought to ask, learning by watching others, as well as experiencing a sailing camaraderie.

After signing up for a private class, an instructor will contact you and work with you to setup a schedule that will work best for both the student and the instructor.

Private Class Schedules
Each Class 3 consecutive days
All Classes Filled

Racing Basics - $100

Pleasure sailing is great, but there is no better way to improve your sailing skills than racing against other boats.

Our Racing Basics class will help you understand the racing rules and (in particular) starting strategies and tactics.

And then of course you test those skills by competing against other sailors.

This course covers all of this and gives you the opportunity to participate with an experienced crew member (one of LTYC's current racers) in a scheduled club race.

**Note: Prerequisite**
To take this class, you must have at least one years sailing experience. You do NOT need prior racing experience.

Racing Basics Class Schedule
Class 1 3 consecutive days
Sep 12(Fri) Rules, Tactics (Lake Townsend Marina) 5-7 pm
Sep 13(Sat) Lake Townsend Marina 9am - 4pm
Sep 14(Sun) Lake Townsend Marina 9am - 4pm